My first order
How do I place an order?
First, find the product you want. Next to the product information, click the Add to Cart button, followed by Continue Shopping or Checkout (depending on whether or not all the products you want have been added to the cart). In the online shopping cart, enter your details in the form. Pay special attention where the methods of delivery and payment are selected. If you have no discount code or gift card, you can skip that box. Lastly, review your order one last time and click Submit Order. Your order number will be displayed and you will receive an email confirmation of your order. If the order number is not displayed and you do not receive an email, your order has not been successfully placed. In such a case, please contact us at
If I order today, when will my package arrive?
All orders will be delivered in a few working days. If we run out of stock or have any problems with your order, we will get in touch.
How can I know the exact time my order will be delivered?
We will text you twice before delivery. First, when the order is dispatched (at this point you can still change the delivery address and/or date). The delivery person may even give you a call before delivery. We will text you a second time on the day of delivery.
I'm not sure if my order has been placed. Where can I check?
If your order has been placed successfully, we will send you an email confirming that your order has been received; it will include the order number, the list of products ordered and the final price of the order. Be sure to check the promotions and spam folders – the email may turn out to be in there.
I'm not comfortable ordering online. Can I place my order by email?
Absolutely! Email us at and we’ll be happy to help.